GE Discovery IQ PET/CT
Greater image quality for better patient outcomes
While delivering high NEMA sensitivity and clinical NECR, Discovery IQ Gen 2 also provides improvements to two core pillars of excellent PET/CT imaging – motion correction and quantitation accuracy enhancing the technologist and patient experience.
Features and Benefits
- High NEMA sensitivity for exceptional small lesion detectability
- Smart MAR to reduce streaks and shadows
- High clinical NECR for clinical 18F
- MotionFree to eliminate the need for a gating device
- LightBurst PET Detector reduces scan times and dose amounts
- Clear supports treatment with precise data points

Shared Imaging offers flexible options to ensure you are equipped with the best imaging solution to enhance your patient’s experience. Shared Imaging can provide you with a new, used or refurbished system from most OEMs in a mobile, modular or in-house configuration.
Our goal is to provide you the right technology, in the right place, at the right cost.